

Trying to maintain a good standard of health by eating clean food without pesticides, finding enough time for movement, as well as keeping up with your self care routine can easily slip down your priority list if you’re also juggling working full time, dealing with your family and having to tidy your home. Which means that staying healthy can become just another task among the many others you have. And with working from home becoming more common after the pandemic, it’s more important than ever to stay active if you find yourself sitting all day — something that should really be avoided.

And believe me when I say that although balancing a busy work schedule and staying fit and trim can be challenging, it is entirely doable to incorporate exercise, healthy eating and overall wellness into your daily schedule, without making it feel challenging or overwhelming. For instance, you’d be surprised how incorporating simple changes like taking the stairs, walking or cycling 30-minutes a day or to work, as well as planning your family’s meals ahead of time and cooking in batches can have lasting benefits. That’s why here I’m going to share with you my top tips to help you stay healthy while managing a full-time job.

4 Ways to Fit Exercise into a Busy Work Schedule

1. Work It (Differently)
Do you do a daily commute? How about considering cycling or walking some of the way, instead of driving or using public transport. For starters, it will save you some money on fuel or fares, but it will also keep you moving.

2. Lunch (Habit) Break
No matter how busy your day is, if you take a short walk during your lunch break, even if it’s just for 15 minutes, or better yet, find a park bench and eat your lunch outside while also enjoying some fresh air will help you to not only get some exercise in, but it’ll also make you feel better. You’ll be surprised at how much a brief walk or sitting amongst nature can help rejuvenate you for the rest of the afternoon while helping you to stay active.

3. Take A Stand
There have been numerous studies on how sitting all day can be harmful to your health. For instance, the British Heart Foundation states that “People who spend long periods of time sitting have been found to have higher rates of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and death from all causes”. Experts suggest that standing for 15 minutes every hour — or better yet, using a standing desk — can help you do avoid disease and stay healthier without disrupting your workflow.

4. Sticking To It
Unfortunately, it’s not easy to simply rely solely on motivation after you’ve finished a long workday. As we all know, it’s much easier to just flop on the sofa when you’ve hardly got energy left. That’s why scheduling a regular exercise plan into your day and putting it in your diary as an appointment will make it easier to fit in your workouts, whether it’s at the gym, going to a good, experienced, reputable PT such as yours truly, or following a yoga video at home.

2 Foodie Tips For 9-to-5

If you relying on supermarket meal deals or popping into Gregg’s or Subway for your lunch, then this can quickly become both expensive and an unhealthy way to spend your lunchtime. As you know, I believe that nutrition plays a key role in staying healthy. However, good nutrition is often neglected when work gets in the way when buying food on the go, which is never healthy, even when it says so on the label! So, here are four simple ways to eat well during your 9-to-5.

1. Plan Ahead
It might sound boring, but meal prepping can really simplify your life, especially if you have early mornings and late finishes. You can start by prepping 2-3 lunches each week and gradually increase the number until you have to whole week sorted. This way, you can get a feel for how much time you can say, as well as ensure you’re eating healthy even on your busiest days. You’ll also save money, because you’ll be in control of the ingredients of your salad or sandwich, which will be healthier than all the meal deal choices you come across.

2. Choose Your Companions Wisely
By surrounding yourself with colleagues who are also into healthy eating, you’ll be reinforcing your own healthy habits. You may find that others will suggest recipes and encourage you to keep on track, so spending time with health-conscious colleagues can influence your own health for the better. They will also be the ones to snack on fruit or a handful of nuts, rather than the crisps, biscuits and other sugary snacks that get passed around in most offices — and will derail any good health intentions you had for the day.

In addition to all of the above, if you feel like you’re missing out on essential nutrients or need extra help to manage daily stress, then considering taking some natural supplements can provide you with an extra boost. For instance, if you’re not getting enough sunlight (and did this summer in the UK?), then you probably need to take a Vitamin D supplement, because spending too much time indoors prevents your body from producing enough of this vital nutrient. I love taking Nature’s Sunshine’s Vitamin D3 to keep my vitamin D levels at an optimal level and to boost my immune system for the winter.


Another great supplement I love is Lily & Loaf’s 5-HTP, which can help to increase your serotonin levels, so that you feel happier and in a more balanced emotional state. And 5-HTP does more than uplift your mood, because it can reduce depressive symptoms, help you sleep better and control your appetite, as well as potentially reduce the frequency of migraine headaches, which can help support those who have the stress of a full-time job.


These are just a few of the things that you can do to stay healthy if you’re engaged in 9-to-5 activity. Following these basic lifestyle tips will make it much easier to maintain your health, even with long work hours or a desk-bound job.

However, if you are struggling to improve your health and fitness, to shift weight and feel you need my help to implement these changes, then just call /text me on on 07748 298728 for a FREE confidential chat or alternatively, CLICK HERE.

Love, Gaynor x


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