I’ve heard it so many times before from women just like you who want to lose weight and feel more confident in their bodies — excuses.
And I can bet that you’ve probably said exactly the same thing (or something just like them) before:
“I’ll start getting healthy once…
- The kids go back to school
- After I come back from holiday
- After my birthday
- Once the house is sold
- When work stops being so busy
- When I feel up to it
And believe me, the list goes on!
These may seem like valid reasons for delaying your health and fitness goals, but more often than not, they just result in the same thing — while you’ve been procrastinating, you’ve also put on an extra half a stone, which means that you manifested an even harder journey ahead. So, instead of waiting for a tomorrow that never comes, why not break the cycle and shift your mindset to starting today, rather than waiting for the ‘perfect’ time that doesn’t actually exist?
The problem with hitting the pause button on your health and fitness goals is that there will ALWAYS be something else that comes up — another event or another busy schedule means another excuse. That’s just how life is. And by continuously putting off the changes to your lifestyle that you need, you’re just reinforcing the habit of delaying the amazing results that await you, rather than building a good habit of taking action. The reality is, the best time to start is now, exactly as things are.
Baby Steps Instead of No Steps At All
The perfect moment is an imaginary place that only lives in your head, so by implementing some of simple baby steps now, you can put a stop to delaying your progress and get things moving. And speaking of moving, doing something like taking the stairs instead of the lift at work can help boost your step count during the day. Or taking a 10-minute walk at lunchtime. Or pottering around in the garden. Or doing some stretching while the adverts are on. Or putting on your favourite song and dancing like nobody’s watching. Movement doesn’t have to be an intense one-hour session at the gym. Just get moving. Simple!
Staying properly hydrated is also a baby step you can take. Most people are dehydrated, which can also masquerade as hunger and have you reaching for your favourite treat to tide you over until your next meal. And if you drink lots of coffee and black tea during the day, this will also increase symptoms of dehydration. If you already have a water bottle, use it! If not, treat yourself to a bottle that you would like to carry around all day. And swap the coffee/tea for herbal tea, which will count in your hydration intake for the day.
As far as your food intake is concerned, you don’t need to completely overhaul your diet overnight. Just make simple and effective swaps, like avoiding the cake sharing activities at work by making sure you have the work fridge is stocked up with organic hummus and celery or carrot sticks. And replace the packets of crips with whole foods like a handful of raw cashews or walnuts. And when it comes to family dinners, using smaller plates will mean that you can control your portion sizes more — just don’t opt for seconds!!! And stay away from faddy diets, which promise quick fixes, but never deliver long-term healthy results. If you’ve tried a trendy diet before, you might have lost a little weight, but it creeped back — and sometimes you gained even more. And don’t even get me started on Ozempic, which has already killed 82 people in the UK and has caused blindness among other severe ailments in many others. Quick fixes are not sustainable baby steps for promoting long-term lifestyle changes that will help your body heal naturally.
While we can’t always control the quality of our sleep, prioritising adequate rest is also an important aspect of achieving your health and fitness goals. That’s because your sleep directly impacts your hormones, metabolism and hunger regulation. Poor sleep increases levels of ghrelin (known as the hunger hormone) and decreases leptin (the hormone that make you feel satisfied), which makes it harder for you to feel full. Lack of sleep also increases cravings for sugary and fatty foods due to disruptions in brain function and impulse control, which can also slow down your metabolism and make your body more resistant to insulin, meaning it will raise your blood sugar levels and make it much more difficult to lose fat. So, prioritising 7-9 hours of quality sleep every night will make a significant difference in your weight loss success. If you need a good night’s rest, don’t drink coffee after 1pm, try and get some natural daylight exposure (that 10-minute walk will do this!!!) and reduce your screen time in the evening — putting your phone away at least two hours before you go to bed will do wonders………. I promise!!!
Don’t Delay, Start Today
It’s time to stop waiting for the “perfect” moment, because it simply doesn’t exist and waiting for it will only set you back and make your weight loss journey harder in the end. Instead of focusing on what you “can’t” do right now, shift your focus to what you can, no matter how small the baby step. Because all of the little changes that you make will add up to a big one and before you know it, you’ll be on your way to feeling much healthier and happier in your own skin. So, why not start today? And if you need some support, I’m here for you — in fact, I still have ONE SPACE left for one lucky lady who needs help learning how to love her body more……… CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT YOUR FREE 20-MINUTE HOW TO LOVE YOURSELF CALL!!!
You don’t have to do it alone!!!
Love, Gaynor x