I think most of us would agree that this year has been pretty crazy. I don’t know about you but I’ve really struggled to get into some sort of consistent routine.
I’m personally really pleased schools are re-starting not only for the education of our children but also because it enforces a solid routine and structure for everyone. Adults included!
Whether you are in top shape because of summer or not, back to school is an ideal time to get back in shape and kick start new healthy habits. Improving health through a fitness regimen and better eating can be accomplished as a family so take the time to start the school year off on a positive note by having a plan of action in place to improve your health and wellbeing.
Let’s look at some simple tips for not only getting back to school but getting back to health too.
Start your day with the right nutrients. Many studies prove the value of a healthy breakfast to keep your mind focused, boost your metabolism, improve your energy and concentration to kick start the day. Your blood sugar is depleted when you wake up. If you then skip breakfast, your body goes into ‘famine’ mode and thinks there will not be enough calories to fuel your body so forcing it to conserve. Then when lunch comes around, you’ll be even hungrier and more likely to make poor food choices.
Once the kids are back in school, you need to ringfence some time for your fitness routine. Design a realistic schedule and stick to it. Consider times when it’s convenient and with minimal distractions e.g. when the kids are at school, at extra-curricular activities, or in bed. Don’t feel guilty about setting aside some time each day for yourself. Having some ‘me’ time reduces your stress, allowing you to give more to your friends and family! If you’re struggling with motivation get a PERSONAL TRAINER to keep you accountable like myself.
Almost without realising it, we tend to slip into a different sleep pattern during summer, with the late nights that then make for later wake times. This is probably due to several factors, the biggest being that the days are longer and going to bed when it’s still light outside can be difficult. With schools restarting, it’s important to be on a different sleep schedule that makes it easier to get up in the morning and not be rushing around. One trick that tends to help me is to push bedtime and wake time back 15 minutes each day. It’s a smooth transition and before you know it you’ll have created a new sleep pattern.
Plan meals ahead of time so you aren’t reaching for the cookie jar because you’re famished. You can take advantage of produce in season, prepping it ahead of time so that you reduce the risk of poor food choices. If you want some serious structure, why not try a proven training and nutrition plan like my 21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS PLAN? I tell you exactly what to do and all you have to do is follow the plan. No stone is left unturned as you’ll get shopping lists, meal plans, recipes, and much more!!!
We’ve all grown accustomed to an easier schedule during the summer. However, when school starts, having a schedule is critical. There are only so many hours each day to be able to fit in school homework, extra-curricular activities, meals, fitness, and chores. Creating an organised diary will make it all seem less chaotic.
September is the month of back to school, new terms, new beginnings, but it’s also a great time to have a fresh health and fitness start. If you’re looking for support, ideas, tips, and help finding the right health plan for you, then don’t hesitate to get in touch. Simply email GAYNOR@B-FIT.UK.COM
Love Gaynor x