

Many women are familiar with yeast infections, which can be a right pain in the crotch! Candida albicans is the yeast in question, which is a naturally occurring organism in the human body, particularly in areas like the mouth, gut and skin. However, while it’s usually harmless in small amounts, when an overgrowth occurs, it causes recurring yeast infections, but can also lead to more significant health issues like chronic inflammation and immune system dysfunction.

Typically, Candida resides in our bodies without causing any harm and is kept in check by the beneficial bacteria in our guts and our immune systems. But various factors can disrupt this balance, which results in Candida overgrowth, also known as candidiasis. This overgrowth can occur in various parts of the body, such as the mouth (oral thrush), the vagina (vaginal yeast infection) or the gut, where it can cause systemic issues that will eventually become a real threat to your overall health.

How Candida Affects the Body

Candida overgrowth can have profound effects on the immune system after the immune response is trigger. The body will then start producing antibodies to fight off the yeast. However, a severe overgrowth will overwhelm the immune system itself, leading to chronic inflammation and a weakened immune response. This can make the body much more susceptible to other infections and diseases. In addition, Candida has the ability to produce biofilms, which is a protective layer for the yeast that shields it from immune system attack, as well as any anti-fungal treatments. These biofilms make it difficult for the body to eradicate the infection, which will lead to more persistent and recurrent issues. Over time, a chronic Candida infection can lead to autoimmune diseases, where the body begins to attack its own tissues, mistaking them for harmful invaders.

An overgrowth of this pervasive yeast can also significantly disrupt your hormonal balance. This is particularly evident in menopausal women, because the yeast can interfere with oestrogen levels. Candida produces a toxin called acetaldehyde, which is a byproduct of sugar fermentation that can mimic oestrogen in the body. This process can lead to an excess of oestrogen, a condition known as oestrogen dominance. Oestrogen dominance itself can cause a variety of symptoms in the body, including weight gain, mood swings, chronic fatigue and menstrual irregularities. For menopausal women, whose hormone levels are already fluctuating wildly, Candida can exacerbate these symptoms and make your menopause feel even more challenging.

Oestrogen dominance can also feed back into the cycle of Candida overgrowth by promoting more of it, leading to a vicious cycle where hormonal imbalances and Candida overgrowth perpetuate each other. And even though during menopause oestrogen levels decline, the natural balance of the vaginal flora can be disrupted, making it easier for Candida to thrive. Additionally, the immune system often weakens with age, reducing its ability to keep Candida in check.

In addition symptoms of Candida overgrowth — such as fatigue, mood swings and brain fog — can be easily mistaken for menopausal symptoms, leading to a misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment. This can result in prolonged discomfort and an increased risk of more severe health issues, including osteoporosis, heart disease and even cognitive decline, as the body’s systems are further stressed by the unchecked yeast.

How To Halt Candida Overgrowth

Addressing Candida overgrowth involves taking a multifaceted approach to your health, which may include dietary changes, lifestyle tweaks and natural remedies. Here are some strategies that I and my lovely clients regularly do to help manage and even reduce being in a situation where Candida overgrowth can happen.

Natural Remedies

Everything you put in your mouth plays a crucial role in managing Candida overgrowth. Candida thrives on sugar, so reducing your sugar intake is an essential key — this means wine, which is like drinking liquid sugar, and even high-glycemic fruits like mangoes, pineapple and bananas. This means an anti-inflammatory diet that is rich in organic vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats can help starve the Candida already in your gut and reduce inflammation in your body.

In addition, adding probiotics into your diet can help restore the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which will keep the Candida in check and prevent its overgrowth. Foods like organic kefir, sauerkraut and kimchi are excellent sources of probiotics. If you feel you could use a bit of help with this, I love using Nature’s Sunshine Healthy Starter Programme, which contains Liquid Chlorophyll to help flush out toxins, while the Pre + Pro 15 contains 15 different strains of friendly bacteria that replenish the gut with a variety of beneficial flora…


Black walnut is another potent natural remedy that helps to combat for Candida overgrowth. It contains juglone, which is a compound that has strong anti-fungal properties that kills Candida and other harmful pathogens. It also has astringent properties, which can help to tighten and heal tissue that has been affected by Candida. Finally, black walnut is rich in tannins, which have been shown to inhibit the growth of Candida and support the restoration of a healthy microbial balance.

Lifestyle Tweaks

Managing your stress is another crucial component when combating Candida. This is because chronic stress weakens your immune system, which makes it harder for the body to control Candida levels. This is why my early morning yoga practice is a non-negotiable. However, meditation, regular movement and exercise can help reduce stress and support your overall immune function. And if you’re not getting enough sleep, this can also have an affect on immune system — and not in a good way. Most people function properly with 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night, which gives your body enough time to repair and regenerate your cells.

Candida overgrowth is now quite common — due to the overuse of antibiotics, consumption of ultra processed foods and being bombarded by a toxic environment — although it’s often overlooked as a health issue. The fact that it can cause widespread detrimental effects on the body, from the immune system to hormone balance, means menopausal women especially should take action to manage and reduce with the strategies I’ve suggested above so that you halt Candida overgrowth it its tracks before the symptoms even start.

Love, Gaynor x


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