

According to a survey compiled in 2012, the average 45 year old has tried a staggering 61 diets in an attempt to lose weight, yet obesity is on the rise with the number of people diagnosed as obese doubling in the last decade.

Why is it on the rise? Because DIETS DON’T WORK. OK, I hear you cry. “So what does?”

There was an article in the Waitrose magazine this weekend (it’s well worth grabbing a copy and having a read) about the ‘clean eating’ generation

Did you know, the most successful debut cookbook was not from Nigella or Jamie or Gordon, but from a 24 year old author of the clean eating bible Deliciously Ella. This book is the number one cookbook on Amazon and Ella’s website has attracted over six million hits. So why all the interest? Why is she so popular? Because Ella has a secret. A secret to sustained long term weight loss.

Her secret? Eating whole, unprocessed and organic foods is the secret to her health. In 2011 she was admitted to hospital in chronic pain, with doctors taking four months to diagnose her with tachycardia syndrome. Six months of conventional medicine saw no change for Ella so she instinctively decided to give up processed foods and see how that made her feel. She saw an immediate improvement and was back to normal within 18 months. Ella continues to live by these rules, just like I do, and is an advocate for ditching faddy diets and calorie counting and instead concentrating on eating fresh, unprocessed, nutrient dense foods instead.

Let me ask you this question. Do you know anyone who has ever said that eating whole, unprocessed foods has made them feel terrible? You’ve probably got a friend, that one who eats what you call “super healthy”. Has this way of life failed them?

Now think of all the friends who have tried certain quick fix diets. Shakes, pills, calorie counting, points, sins, low fat, high protein. The list is endless. How many of these friends stuck to this? How many lost the weight and kept it off?

Lily Simpson is the author of Detox Kitchen Bible and also runs an extremely successful catering company of the same name that specialises in ‘food that makes you feel amazing’. Again, it’s the same ethos that I follow. Yes, it might take a few days for your taste buds to get used to no sugar, unprocessed foods and eating clean but trust me, once you reclaim those taste buds, the world is your oyster when it comes to food. Eating clean WILL make you feel amazing. And look amazing too. I can also show you how it tastes amazing. I am the world’s worst cook and so I really invest time in testing really easy and simple recipes that not only pass the taste test, but they are extremely nutritious and most importantly they are easy to prepare and cook. It’s why I give you a recipe of the week each week on my newsletter. I want to make things as easy as possible for you.

So how can you jump on this clean eating bandwagon? Firstly, you need to realise that this bandwagon is here to stay and it’s a long haul journey for life. Diets don’t work. Let me repeat that. DIET’S DON’T WORK. Adopting a better lifestyle does work and that starts with food and a little bit of the right exercise.

Not sure where to start? You could follow in the footsteps of Lorraine, Caroline, Jenny or Lesley and many more and start with my B-Fit B-Fabulous 21 Day Weight Loss Plan which will teach you how to enjoy the right “clean “ foods for life, ditch the diets and enjoy a bit of the right exercise without spending hours in the gym. This program/ plan is otherwise known by my clients as ‘Gaynor’s detox’ and really is the best way to kick start a brand new you. What would you give to feel healthier? What would you give to have more energy and feel less tired? What would you give for glowing skin and radiance? And as a bonus, what would you give for the fat loss that comes with this kick start plan?

Give me an hour of your time, and I’ll give you the answers to all those diet myths and untruths that have been causing you to fail, and messing with your metabolism and making you feel unhappy in yourself. I’ll help put you on a new path to feeling fitter, lighter, happier and the very best version of you.

And the price? An hour of my time is free. I’ve got one free B-Fit one-to-one session available this week. Want to claim it? Text or email me 07748 298728

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