

My star of the week is Ruth Dark for losing over 1.5 stone and 20 inches in all the right places so far on her B-Fit journey! Ruth has made healthy eating and a bit of B-Fit style exercise, a way of life. Ruth is a B-Fit Platinum PT client and has successfully completed the B-Fit B-Fabulous  21 day weight loss plan/detox.

Read her story so far here…

So, I blame jeggings!

Why? So easy to “not realise” that the pounds are creeping on!

I had been a really active person – started running about 5 years ago, gym few times a week, swimming, walking. This was combined with a fairly unhealthy diet on the whole! My weight was ok, not really an issue.

However I developed an ankle injury that stopped me doing cardio exercise then last year I broke my elbow – exercising became a problem.

Then I had an epiphany. I realised I needed to do something.

So in June I started having sessions with Gaynor twice each week. One of the questions she asked me was about my best hopes. At the back of my mind I have always wanted to fit into my leather jeans again (bought them 15 years ago to celebrate losing 3.5 stones, cliche I know!), but I didn’t hold out hope that I could, they are a very small size 12! Gaynor’s response was “why not”?

So the journey began.

I started following Gaynors simple 7 step plan. Getting organised was important. Cleansing the cupboards and buying all the list of ingredients recommended was first. Getting to grips with recipes that were so different from my usual ones. Bought a juicer – started each morning with a green juice. My body started to completely change shape , tone up and the pounds started dropping off!

I then started the B-Fit B-Fabulous 21 day weight loss plan/detox in July. Must say it wasn’t as bad as I anticipated! The support from the B-Fit private Facebook group really helped and staying motivated with my vision board and Gaynor’s video exercises each morning. After the detox I was so thrilled that I had lost over a stone and a half and a total of. 49.5 cm (nearly 20 inches from all over my body!!!(including 15 cm / 6 inches off my tummy) Plus my muscle tone had dramatically increased. It is wonderful to be able to wear clothes that I hadn’t been able to fit into for years and to feel healthy and more confident.

I aim to fit into those leather trousers before Xmas (lose three stone) and am confident that it will happen as I’m already over half way there! Someone asked me the other day “when are you going to stop eating that special diet?”.  My answer was that it isn’t a diet, it’s a healthy way of eating and if I feel so great eating this way, why stop?!

So thanks Gaynor for getting me back on track!

– Ruth Dark

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