I’m a firm believer that you don’t need to go to the gym or have fancy kit to get fit.
When it comes to exercise there’s more than one way to skin a cat.
Still not convinced?
Well, keep reading because I’m going to show you how.
For me, you’ve the best resource right on your doorstep – your body.
It’s free, with you 24/7 and very versatile.
There’s a gazillion ways you can use your body to trim down and get toned that doesn’t involve sweaty intimidating gyms. Not to mention the time you waste getting there/back, and the expensive membership fees.
In today’s world time is precious, and the stressors of work, family, and everyday life often make a workout the last priority.
Sound familiar?
The tips I’m about to share for working out with or without a gym can easily help you stay on track with your health and fitness goals and they’re so achievable!
Many of my B-Fit clients have done these and so can you my friend.
Give these exercises a go and be sure to let me know how you get on ok?
Bodyweight Training
The benefits of strength training are well known. If you don’t have access to free weights or machines, you can use the best machine of all – yourself.
Using your own body weight for strength and conditioning offers plenty of versatile exercise options, and can be done anywhere – home, hotel room, garage, beach, and at the park.
Here’s some of my personal favourites:
- Lunges
- Squats
- Pushups
- Planks
- Burpees
- Mountain Climbers
Very often bodyweight exercises are put into a circuit by doing a set of each exercise without stopping until you’ve completed one set of every exercise, which equals one circuit.
In fact, a few weeks ago I shared a great Fat Blasting Bodyweight Circuit Workout HERE. Make sure you check it out
I know it sounds a bit weird but you can turn household items into calorie-torching, body-sculpting tools.
Those large water bottles, cans of beans, and bags of rice in your store cupboard aren’t just for cooking. If you don’t have access to dumbbells or machines, these will do the job.
You can do bicep curls, shoulder presses, and tricep kick backs with them as well as many more fantastic exercises.
Other ideas include a gallon jug of water. You can even grab a couple bags of sand from a local DIY store. These are all great to squat, lunge and do step ups with.
Chairs and towels and other household items can help shake up your routine by supporting your body weight and adding movements that engage your core, and improve your balance.
Other Opportunities To Move
Take the stairs, park furthest away from the door, and take a walk around the block during your lunch hour are all very easy ways to squeeze in more exercise.
We all know that exercise is a key factor in weight loss so let’s make it happen.
If you need help getting motivated and/or don’t know where to start give me a call on 07748298728 for a FREE confidential chat.
I’m here to help.
Love Gaynor x